+030 211 010 5000

[email protected]

Mykonou 21

Ilioupoli, 16346

English Greek

+030 211 010 5000

[email protected]

Mykonou 21

Ilioupoli, 16346

English Greek


Salt Therapy


About Salt Therapy

Benefits of Salt Therapy

Since the beginning of Earth's creation, the energies of the Salts have been the direct connection of light between Heaven and Earth. Through this continuous flow, the Earth and all beings were nourished with divine light, wisdom and the awareness that everything comes from one source: you can call it Goddess, God or Light.

Over time on Earth these connections were severed or blocked. Thus began the great backsliding which in the process gained great power. As a result the war between dark and light arose and polarity increased. People have forgotten that they are essentially divine beings.

We are now living in a very special time. We are at the beginning of the Golden Age. This is a huge transition process, extensive and important, with big changes. Time is speeding up leading to an increase in the consciousness of people, who are awakening and remembering again what they really are. It is a blessing to be on

Earth right now. Even if it is very difficult for many of us, never before has it been so possible for someone to make such great steps in such a short period of time.

The Salts help you identify who you are. They push and support you to shine in your light. They are the basis for peace on Earth.

Therapy with Salts

We need the Salts not only in their physical form but also in their energetic form.

We can cure many diseases with a Salt treatment, as the energy of the Salts contains all the information about what a balanced and healthy state of body, mind and soul should be like.

The peculiarity of Salts is that in every contact with them, they remind you that you are a part of God! All traumas, diseases, entanglements, etc., in a human being have their source in the

original and great trauma of humanity: separation from God.

In general, Salt therapy is suitable for any type of illness, at any level (body-mind-soul). Sometimes, of course, in order to bring relief to the illness, the salts indicate the steps you need to take to bring balance to your entire being or to resolve a basic issue that concerns you.

Treatment categories:

- Seven Chakras - Package: Deep transformation on all levels and with all issues of human life.

- Redemption of the heart and awakening of love

- Connecting the wisdom of the soul with the body

- Dissolving resistances and traumas of earthly life. 

- Healing the trauma of Atlantis.Find your strength

- Communication with your own soul

- Accepting yourself

- Unity of body and light

- Children, even "special" children, love salt

- Forgiveness Ceremony

- Initiation into your own astral light

- Recovery of freedom, health and personal responsibility.

- Food cleaning

- The path of your Abundance 

- Cleaning of domestic and business premises

- The salt of Happiness 

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